A Red Bull TV series that made my heart explode
Reel Rock: The Climbers Who Make History

Season 6, Episode 3: United States of Joe’s
“When a rag-tag group of climbers stumbles upon a small Utah town, a culture clash ensues. Can climbers and locals find a way to bridge the divide or will it blow up in their faces?” (quote from the opening of the introduction of the episode).

This episode did something serious to my heart, watching two of my worlds coming together: rock climbing and the art of finding ourselves in one another. I had the biggest smile on my face watching as this small town was transformed by climbers and climbers all over the world were transformed by this town. While our world continues to be more divided than ever before, watching two communities bridge the divide and create something bigger than either of their parts, was absolutely amazing. I loved every second of it!

Humanity is a powerful thing. Perhaps the most powerful if you think about it.
Go ahead and check out this episode and see what you think! (You do have to download the Red Bull TV app, but it’s free!)



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