Product I’m Obsessed With (you just might get one from me at a training!)
Sweary Affirmations: Motivational Statement Wooden Chips


Examples include:

  • “I Fu$&ing Sparkle”
  • “Rise and F*$#ing Slay”
  • “I Will Not Be An Ass to Me”
  • “This Bit*$ is Fearless”
  • “My Ideas F*%&ing Rock”

I mean, really.  Tell me one person that won’t have a smile on their face after you give them this and tell them what a great human they are…



Place I go that fills my soul:  Boulder, CO!!


Book I am LOVING for Teams and Leaders (and, well... everyone!)

Foundational Restorative Practices Training Registration

Illinois - Summer 2024

Payment Method: Credit Card


Foundational Restorative Practices Training Registration

Illinois - Winter 2025

Payment Method: Credit Card


Foundational Restorative Practices Training Registration

Illinois - Fall 2024

Payment Method: Credit Card



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Advanced Restorative Practices Training Registration

Illinois - Fall 2024

Payment Method: Credit Card