(I’m hosting my first live event!)
It is true! My dream of creating an event for anyone touched by the field of education to come together in community, learn and grow from one another, and hopefully leave better than when we got there is finally becoming a reality! If you know me, you know I like to play in the land of rainbows and unicorns and what could be… and…this unicorn is real!
For years I’ve had a vision of getting all of the amazing educational professionals I meet across the country in the same room together to have powerful, meaningful, life-changing shared experiences. I wanted to create a totally immersive experience for you to feel the components of Restorative Practices, Social Emotional Learning, Strengthening Community & Relationships, etc. come to life! I truly believe the more you can feel the work, the better you are at bringing it back and effectively applying it to those you serve.
The idea morphed over time from being “one day together” into a full weekend experience that is basically a s’more: a bunch of great things smashed together to create something absolutely delicious! Yes, Meg Lavery and I are inviting you to experience the best s’more of your life (which is slightly ironic because there will be actual s’mores there).
Title of the Event: The ReSTORYtive Experience
When: October 14th – 16th, 2022 (from mid-day Friday through mid-day Sunday)
Where: Camp Duncan in Northern, IL (Check out the location HERE).
Why: Because every educational professional experienced disruption and harm during the last few years. It’s time to heal ourselves together, to dream together, to plan together, to share story together, and get ready to change the field of education forever. We all have changed, but the institution of education has not. We need to be thinking differently, working differently, and leaning on one another to transform our world of education into what we want it to be.
What to Do Next:
Get your friends and colleagues together and SIGN UP now!
What to Expect: A weekend filled with:
- Large group sessions for us all to learn together
- Small group breakout blocks where you pick what works best for your own learning/growth/needs
- Unique community groups (assigned from the start) that you meet with regularly throughout the weekend to check-in, build community & relationships and process your learning live-time. This group will be like a “base camp.”
- Concrete ideas, strategies, and tools to bring back to your schools/districts and apply right away to your work with staff, youth, and families
- A feeling of re-commitment not only to this work but to yourself and what you need/deserve in life
- Fun! And LOTS of it!
- Bonfires, rest, relaxation, camaraderie, family-style meals, teamwork, leadership, empathy, joy, and an overall feeling of being SEEN
- Learning from new friends and action planning with old ones
We can not wait to see you there!
For any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at support@heyalihearn.com.